We currently have 40+ Haven Helper Volunteers drawn from across our wellbeing community, helping in a variety of roles – from maintaining the community fridge, tending the Haven plot, to delivering wellbeing sessions or serving on the Board.
“I didn’t realise that doing something like this could have a big impact and help so many people. This experience has really educated me on the needs of the people in the local area.”
Katy, a young DofE Award volunteer, reflecting on her time spent helping stock our Community Fridge.
We asked:
What have been some of the most rewarding aspects of your volunteer work?
“The fact that I can run a group that meets the needs of the community. The positive feedback I get from families attending the group.” .
Home Education Group Volunteer
“Just started attending board meetings and helping set the direction of the charity.”
Board Member
“Seeing people walk out of class happier then how they walked in.”
Wellbeing Practitioner Volunteer
“Lowering food waste and knowing those in need can use it.”
Community Fridge Volunteer
85% of Volunteers Felt their Wellbeing had Improved as a Haven Helper
The Haven Community Wellbeing Project
Actively promotes volunteering opportunities for those who may be isolated or marginalised. We also encourage youth volunteering as part of award schemes, or as part of degree coursework.
We surveyed our volunteers (anonymously) in June 2024, and noted that:
100% of respondents felt valued as a volunteer.
100% felt they had been offered sufficient training & support as a volunteer.
100% felt that they are kept up to date with Haven developments.