The Haven Kitchen is where surplus produce is preserved and transformed into delicious jams, chutneys, pickles and dehydrated goodies.

Our Haven Helpers play an important role in this venture of The Haven. We have a dedicated team of volunteers who have received certified training to be in the kitchen and they enjoy the ‘Chop & Chat’ sessions whilst preparing the produce used in our recipes. During summer and autumn The Community Larder receives large donations of locally grown produce that is used to make our preserves. We have a Haven Harvest Hit Squad that goes out into the local community and harvests trees full of plums and apples.

The Haven Kitchen also creates free Healthy Meals that are distributed in the Community Larder. This project was funded by Aberdeenshire Councils Community Food Fund and enabled larder visitors to access fresh and nutritious readymade breakfast dishes and savoury meals.

Future ideas for the Haven Kitchen:
- Continue to turn surplus produce into delicious preserves.
- Upskill more volunteers.
- Run a programme of free cooking courses..
- Cook healthy meals from produce grown in the Plot.
- Connect with more individuals and create opportunities for them to access healthy food choices.
For more information on either of our growing projects please contact our Haven Harvester Francesca at
“Food is not just fuel. Food is about family, food is about community, food is about identity. We nourish all those things when we eat well.”
Michael Pollan